Spring 2002 Programs


*Overruled: February 7, 6:00p.m. (MEST) A dramatic staged reading of George Bernard Shaw’s one-act comedy presented in association with Break-A-Leg Productions. Visit:  http://www.breakalegproductions.com/

*Danton’s Death: February 13, 7:00p.m. (MEST) A dramaturgical lecture and panel discussion previewing the Prospect Theater Company’s upcoming theatrical production of the same title. Visit: http://www.prospecttheater.org/

*Science Vaudeville: March 4, 6:00p.m. Elebash Recital Hall (ERH) A multi-disciplinary revue co-sponsored with the Science Center and CUNY’s Continuing Education and Public Programs (CEPP).  Visit:  http://web.gc.cuny.edu/cepp or  http://web.gc.cuny.edu/ashp/nml/artsci

*Three Sisters: March 13, 7:00p.m. (MEST) A dramaturgical lecture and panel discussion previewing the Prospect Theater Company’s upcoming theatrical production, which features an all African-American cast.  Visit: http://www.prospecttheater.org/

*Feynman F (P)hysics Festival: March 16, 12:00p.m. (Proshansky Aud.) A symposium on the play QED starring Alan Alda as the accomplished and somewhat eccentric Nobel Laureate  physicist, Richard Feynman.  Panelists include Alan Alda, Gordon Davidson, and Peter Parnell. Co-sponsored with the Science Center and CEPP.  Visit:  http://web.gc.cuny.edu/cepp or http://web.gc.cuny.edu/ashp/nml/artsci

All the World’s a Stage: April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 & May 6, 2:00p.m. (MEST) A series of six lectures on Eastern, Western, and American theatre history featuring renowned scholars.  Co-sponsored with CEPP and the AARP.  Visit:  http://web.gc.cuny.edu/cepp

*Illyria: April 2, 7:00p.m. (MEST) A dramaturgical lecture and panel discussion previewing the Prospect Theater Company’s upcoming original musical production based on Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. Visit: http://www.prospecttheater.org/

*Schrödinger’s Girlfriend: April 22, 6:00p.m. (ERH) A dramatic staged reading of Matthew Wells’ comedy co-sponsored with the Science Center and CEPP.  Visit: http://web.gc.cuny.edu/cepp or http://web.gc.cuny.edu/ashp/nml/artsci

*Still Life: April 23, 8:15p.m. (MEST) A lecture and production of Ferenc Molnar’s one act comedy. See photos of the event. Presented in association with the OBIE Award-Winning Threshold Theater Company and the Hungarian Cultural Center.  Visit: http://www.hungariancc.org/

*Oxygen: May 20, 6:00p.m. (ERH) A dramatic staged reading that explores the question, “Who discovered Oxygen?” Co-sponsored with the Science Center and CEPP and featuring Break-a-leg Productions. Visit: http://web.gc.cuny.edu/ashp/nml/artsci

*Offered FREE to the general public. No reservations required. Seating is limited.

All programs held at The Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016 (at 34th Street).

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