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The Segal Center Film Festival on Theatre and Performance (FTP) 2022

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Mar 1, 2022
Mar 31, 2022
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The global film/screen festival presents experimental, emerging, and established theatre and performance artists who created work for the screen in the difficult Time of Corona.

The 7th annual festival will focus on work for the screen created by theatre artists during the Time of Corona. The festival will be held digitally from March 1st – 15th.

The Segal Center Film Festival on Theatre and Performance (FTP) is an annual event showcasing films drawn from the world of theatre and performance. The festival presents experimental, emerging, and established theatre artists and filmmakers from around the world to audiences and industry professionals.

From its inaugural edition in 2015 to its present-day digital avatar, The Segal Film Festival for Theatre and Performance (FTP) has served as a platform for recorded works that span the length and breadth of the performing arts.

Festival Founder and Executive Director of the Martin E. Segal Theater Center, Frank Hentschker shares his inspiration for creating the festival: “Film and digital media are an integral part of theatre and performance. I am surprised that there is not a film festival out there right now focusing on theatre and performance. I thought ‘why not create one’?”

In the time before Corona, the Segal Film Festival had evolved into the premier US event for new film and video work focusing on theatre and performance. Its mission was to invite experimental and established theatre makers to present work created for the screen – not filmed archival recordings – to audiences and industry professionals from around the world. Now, after a year and a half of digital and hybrid theatre offerings, the festival must take on a new meaning. The festival has held on to its mission of being a free and open-to-all event accessible to everyone, with the 2022 edition screening works from 30 countries.


Participating Films include:



Blerta Neziraj, The Return of Karl May


Cosmea Spelleken / punktlive, möwe.live

Carmen Lidia Vidu, #newTogether


Belarus Free Theatre, A School for Fools (ASFF)


Alexander Vantournhout, Snakearms
Lara Staal / NTGent, The Case of Samuel
Luk Perceval / Schauspiel Köln, OBLOMOW REVISITED
Milo Rau, Daniel Demoustier / IIPM / NTGent, Orestes in Mosul – The making of
Milo Rau, Martin Valdés-Stauber, Kasia Wojcik, Eline Banken / IIPM / NTGent, School of Resistance
Milo Rau / IIPM / NTGent, The New Gospel

Michiel Vandevelde, Ghosts of the Past 


Isabelle Chassé & Gypsy Snider / The 7 Fingers, Out of Order
Brice Noeser & Créations Estelle Clareton, S’envoler (chez soi)

Kijâtai-Alexandra Veillette-Cheezo / Wapikoni Mobile, Odehimin


Malicho Vaca Valenzuela, REMINISCENCIA


Mengqi Zhang, Blue House

Czech Republic:

Daniela Špinar, For Beauty

Magda Korsinsky, STRICKEN (KNITTING)

Democratic Republic of Congo:

Faustin Linyekula ​/ Studios Kabako, ​Lettres du Continent


Arthur Nauzyciel / NT Brittany, SPLENDID’S [ONLINE]
Emmanuel Demarcy-Mota / Théâtre de la Ville, The Poetic Consultations 
Villa Albertine French Embassy NY, Dance Films Catalogue
Wanjiru Kamuyu & Tommy Pascal, La visite
Smaïl Kanouté / Compagnie vivons, So Ava
Akram Khan & Naaman Azhari, Breathless Puppets

Lucinda Childs Meets (LA)HORDE, Download and Run Zoom


Alexander Eisenach / Volksbühne Berlin, Anthropos, Tyrann (Ödipus)
Bettina Katja Lange & Joan Soler-Adilion & Uwe Brunner, #See you at Home – The Domestic Space as Public Encounter
Calle Fuhr, ENCORE
Cornelius Puschke, Sophie Diesselhorst, Christian Rakow, Postpandemic Theater. Online Conference
Selection by Esther Slevogt, nachtkritik.de
Frank Castorf / Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, Bajazet – en considérant Le Théâtre et la peste
Florian Malzacher, The Art of Assembly
Krzysztof Garbaczewski / Theater Freiburg, Faust II
Luk Perceval / Schauspiel Köln, OBLOMOW REVISITED
Magda Korsinsky, STRICKEN (KNITTING)
Milo Rau / IIPM / NTGent, The New Gospel
Nebojša Marković, Slaviša Marković & Rebecca Surber / Rroma Aether Klub Theater, I Can See You
Cosmea Spelleken / punktlive, möwe.live
Stefan Kaegi / Rimini Protokoll with Shanju Lab, Temple du present

Swoosh Lieu / Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm, A Room of Our Own


​​Ibrahim Mahama, Love Campus ABCD 2019–2021

Kareem Kalokoh, Swim

Yorgos Zois, Touch Me


Dániel Máté Sándor, Budapestian Schizo
Martin Boross / STEREO AKT, Date an Eastern European

Tamás Ördög, HOME 


Abhishek Majumdar & MD Pallavi, Salt
Abhishek Thapar, Cow is a Cow is a Cow
Amitesh Grover, The Last Poet
Anurupa Roy / Katkatha Puppet Arts Trust, Teelapur Ka Rakshasha

The Segal Center, A HowlRound for India


Papermoon Puppet Theatre, 1200° ( Twelve Hundred Degrees)

Sasapin Siriwanij & Thanaphon Accawatanyu & Irfanuddien Ghozali / BIPAM, Deleted Scenes in SEA


Lilach Dekel-Avneri / Pathos-Mathos Company, The Eichmann Project – Terminal 1



Veronica Cruciani & John Cascone, La Setta (delle Paesaggiste d’Interno)


Anmar Taha / Iraqi Bodies, pity, a film poem


Akira Takayama, Heterotopia Garden


Blerta Neziraj, The Return of Karl May


Wanjiru Kamuyu & Tommy Pascal, La visite


Sahar Assaf, Activate Disaster

Akram Khan & Naaman Azhari, Breathless Puppets


Smaïl Kanouté / Compagnie vivons, So Ava


Luisa Pardo and Lázaro Gabino Rodríguez / Lagartijas tiradas al sol​, Lázaro


Rusanda Curcă, Future Fellow Manifesto


Adelheid Roosen, Doula’s of the City

Abhishek Thapar, Cow is a Cow is a Cow


Weam Aldairi / ASHTAR Theatre, Every Piece of Me


Krzysztof Garbaczewski / Theater Freiburg, Faust II

Teatr 21, Body to Body with Marilyn


Carmen Lidia Vidu, #newTogether
Catinca Drăgănescu / unteatru, Here Moscow Calling 
Gianina Carbunariu, POSTWEST – something digital

Mihaela Drăgan / Giuvlipen, Resistance is a Girl Who changes the World


Basil Jones & Adrian Kohler & David Lan, Little Amal – The Walk


Anmar Taha / Iraqi Bodies, pity, a film poem


Noura Murad / Leish Troupe, ‘Expressive Body’, work in progress


Sasapin Siriwanij & Thanaphon Accawatanyu & Irfanuddien Ghozali / BIPAM, Deleted Scenes in SEA


Stefan Kaegi / Rimini Protokoll Shanju Lab, Temple du present
Simon Senn / Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, Live stream Arielle F

Simon Senn / Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, dSimon


Sasapin Siriwanij & Thanaphon Accawatanyu & Irfanuddien Ghozali / BIPAM, Deleted Scenes in SEA


Forced Entertainment, How The Time Goes
Manchester International Festival, Postcards from Now

Akram Khan & Naaman Azhari, Breathless Puppets


600 Highwaymen, Fighting World
Anne Hamburger, A Dozen Dreams
Ashley Tata, Mad Forest
Cannupa Hanska Luger, Future Fellow Manifesto
Carl Hancock Rux & Carrie Mae Weems, The Baptism
HowlRound Theatre Commons, Anti-Racist Theatre Conversations
Jared Mezzocchi, On The Beauty of Loss
Joshua William Gelb & Katie Rose McLaughlin, Theater in Quarantine
Karen Malpede / Theater Three Collaborative, Blue Valiant
Laura Petree / Split Britches, Last Gasp WFH
Molissa Fenley, State of Darkness
Onassis Foundation, ENTER
Rachael Balcanoff & Joseph Lymous & Jon Riddleberger / 3A3 Productions, The Clap
Radiohole, Happy Hours
Okwui Okpokwasili & Peter Born, Altostratus: An Allegory
Al Límite Collective, Liminal Archive
Risa Puno & Avi Dobkin, The Quiet: Part 1
Matthew Kohn, The Luxe Hotel
The Segal Center, A HowlRound for India
The Segal Center, Prelude Festival 2021
The Segal Center, Segal Talks
Tara Elliott & Emma Orme / Colt Coeur, PLEASUREMACHINE
Sibyl Kempson / 7 Daughters of Eve Thtr. & Perf. Co., THE SECURELY CONFERRED, VOUCHSAFED KEEPSAKES OF MAERY S.
and others.
Program subject to radical change.