Illuminating the Science

I’m pretty excited about the 6:30 panel at the Earth Day session at the Segal tomorrow: ILLUMINATING THE SCIENCE: ART AND CLIMATE CHANGE. Klaus Lackner, a geophysicist, will be discussing his invention of artificial trees, which would work to filter CO2 from the environment, presumably in areas where trees are sparse and carbon emissions are high. So, objects that perform as trees! And then Katie Holten is going to talk about her living tree installation where one can use one’s cell phone to call and hear Bronx residents telling stories about particular trees they know and love. Talking trees! I think these projects bring up some very interesting questions about our relationship to the natural and the inanimate world, and the ways that the environment can speak to us. And then there’s Cynthia Hopkins singing about climate change, which, based on her previous work, I expect will be theatrical and moving. I’m hoping to be inspired.

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