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FTP: A Two Dogs Company/ Kris Verdonck – Presyncope

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Mar 6, 2017
Mar 6, 2017
Segal Theatre

Photo courtesy of A Two Dogs Company

4:45pm – 5:00pm
A Two Dogs Company/ Kris Verdonck – Presyncope (Belgium, 2010)
15 minutes | Segal Theatre

In Presyncope, a camera slowly and steadily slides down the façade of a tall office block. It is pointed towards the ground, approaching it slowly. We hear the calm voice of someone describing her thoughts and impressions during the fall. This inner monologue contains scraps of memories from the lifetime that preceded the fall.

Presyncope is a state consisting of lightheadedness, muscular weakness,
and feeling faint.


Photo by Danny Williams

As a theatre maker and visual artist, Kris Verdonck (Belgium, 1974) can look back over a wide variety of projects positioned in the transit zone between visual arts and theatre, between installation and performance, between dance and architecture. Most recently, Verdonck created the 3D video-installation ISOS with the support of the EMPAC Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. ISOS is based on the world and characters from the apocalyptic science-fiction novels of J.G. Ballard and was presented at the International Film Festival Rotterdam. Last year, a symposium on Verdonck’s artistic practice was organized in the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center.