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5:15pm – 7:15pm René Pollesch – Bad Decisions (Germany, 2016) 95 minutes | Elebash Recital Hall
German with English subtitles
I can’t do anything anymore. I’m not upset either. The most I can do is to try to make someone upset. I don’t know who. You are also not upset enough for me. I was recently invited to dinner by someone who always smashes his plates. He always smashes his plates and so he had no more dishes there. And I asked him, “Why don’t you have any more dishes?” And he said “Oh, you just have to know how to help yourself.” So he smashes the plates himself, so I guess he must know how to help himself. I have no idea what he does then. He eats off the floor, he borrows plates from his neighbors, no idea. He simply could have plates. I have plates. I eat from my plates.
Photo by William Minke
René Pollesch (born in 1962) is an author and director who writes and stages his own plays. From 2001 to 2007, he was the artistic director of the Prater at Volksbühne Berlin. Since then, he has been directing at Volksbühne as well as at major theatres in Hamburg, Vienna, Zuerich, Munich, and Stuttgart. Furthermore, he has worked on his texts with acting companies in Santiago de Chile, Stockholm, Tokyo, and Warsaw. In 2001 and 2006, Pollesch received the Dramatist Prize of the town of Mülheim and in 2007 the Viennese Nestroy Prize. In 2012, René Pollesch was awarded the Else Lasker-Schüler prize for dramatists and playwrights.
FTP: René Pollesch – Bad Decisions
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5:15pm – 7:15pm
René Pollesch – Bad Decisions (Germany, 2016)
95 minutes | Elebash Recital Hall
German with English subtitles
I can’t do anything anymore. I’m not upset either. The most I can do is to try to make someone upset. I don’t know who. You are also not upset enough for me. I was recently invited to dinner by someone who always smashes his plates. He always smashes his plates and so he had no more dishes there. And I asked him, “Why don’t you have any more dishes?” And he said “Oh, you just have to know how to help yourself.” So he smashes the plates himself, so I guess he must know how to help himself. I have no idea what he does then. He eats off the floor, he borrows plates from his neighbors, no idea. He simply could have plates. I have plates. I eat from my plates.
Photo by William Minke
René Pollesch (born in 1962) is an author and director who writes and stages his own plays. From 2001 to 2007, he was the artistic director of the Prater at Volksbühne Berlin. Since then, he has been directing at Volksbühne as well as at major theatres in Hamburg, Vienna, Zuerich, Munich, and Stuttgart. Furthermore, he has worked on his texts with acting companies in Santiago de Chile, Stockholm, Tokyo, and Warsaw. In 2001 and 2006, Pollesch received the Dramatist Prize of the town of Mülheim and in 2007 the Viennese Nestroy Prize. In 2012, René Pollesch was awarded the Else Lasker-Schüler prize for dramatists and playwrights.