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FTP: Temporary Distortion – This Empty Room

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Mar 6, 2017
Mar 6, 2017
Segal Theatre

Photo courtesy of Kenneth Collins

4:20pm – 4:45pm
Temporary Distortion – This Empty Room (US, 2017)
10 minutes | Segal Theatre

This Empty Room is a site-specific short film. It is a portrait of where you are right now.

While contemporary culture trains us in practices of distraction, fragmentation, and multitasking, this film asks you to make space for a single-focused awareness of the present moment and your current surroundings.

There are as many possible versions of this film as there are rooms to view them.

*Followed by a brief discussion with Kenneth Collins.

Photo by Shannon Collins

Temporary Distortion explores the potential tensions and overlaps found between practices in visual art, theater, cinema, and music. The group works across and between disciplines to create performances, installations, films, albums, and works for the stage that have been shown in over twenty cities in Australia, Austria, Canada, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary, Japan, Russia, South Korea, and the United States.

Temporary Distortion’s recent work has focused on long-duration, installation-based performances featuring live music, where spectators are encouraged to come and go throughout all-night events.