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The City We Make Together

Live Stream

Join us for a book talk with Aaron Landsman, Mallory Catlett and Ebony Noelle Golden discussing their latest publication, The City We Make Together. In 2009, theatre artist Aaron Landsman was dragged by a friend to a city council meeting in Portland, Oregon. At first he was bored, but when a citizen dumped trash in […]

Whole Earth Talk #1: Thomas Oberender

Live Stream

Join us for a Whole Earth Conversation with Thomas Oberender (Germany) about the new role theatre, performance can and should play in the new age ofthe Anthropocene--a geological era shaped by humans rather than by nature. We ask how can the significant symbolic, imaginary and real space of theatre can help artists and audiences realize that a contemporary […]

Whole Earth Talk II With researcher and theatre artist Frédérique Aït-Touati (France)

Live Stream

Zoom Talk Friday April 14th at 6pm Join us for a Whole Earth Conversation with Frédérique Aït-Touati(France) about the new role theatre, performance can and should play in the new age ofthe Anthropocene--a geological era shaped by humans rather than by nature. We ask how can the significant symbolic, imaginary and real space of theatre can […]

Staging 21st Century Tragedies. Theatre, Politics and Global Crisis

Martin E. Segal Theatre

Live Event at The Segal Theatre: 6:30pm Join us for a book talk live at The Segal Theatre with theatre scholar and director Avra Sidiropoulou discussing her latest publication Staging 21st Century Tragedies. Τheatre, Politics, and Global Crisis (Routledge 2022). A conversation with panelists Carol Martin, Karen Malpede, and Peter Campbell will accompany the presentation, […]

Whole Earth Talk III With author Andreas Weber (Germany)

Live Stream

April 20th—12:30pm Live-Streamed by HowlRound Join us for a Whole Earth Conversation with German Philosopher Andreas Weber about the new role theatre and performance can and should play in the new age of the Anthropocene–a geological era shaped by humans rather than by nature. In his influential book Enlivenment: Toward a Poetics for the Anthropocene, Weber presents an alternative understanding of our […]

“The Seagull. Interrupted Flight” Workshop Presentation with Alexander Molochnikov (Russia)

Martin E. Segal Theatre

Monday, April 24th 6:30pm Live at The Segal Theatre   Join us for an evening with Russian actor, director of theatre and cinema, Alexander Molochnikov. In the 10 years of his professional career, he was nominated twice for the Russian National Theatre Award "Golden Mask", participated in the Seattle International Film Festival, the Sochi Open […]

Linda Chapman & Jim Nicola–30 Years at the New York Theatre Workshop

  April 27th 6:30pm Live at The Segal Theatre and Live-Streamed through HowlRound   Join us for an evening celebrating the work of Linda Chapman and James C. Nicola at the legendary New York Theatre Workshop. In their 34-year run, Chapman and Nicola, at the 199-seat East Village theatre gave birth to hundreds of important […]

New Plays from the Caribbean With Stéphanie Bérard (France), Daniely Francisque (Martinique), Elvia Gutiérrez (Mexico, China), Gaël Octavia, and others.

Live Stream

Join us for a conversation celebration the unique anthology and latest Segal Center Publication New Plays from the Caribbean, a most significant and lasting part of the 2019 Caribbean Theater Project ACT (Actions Caribéennes Théâtrales)—initiated and co-organized by the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center in New York City, the theater company Siyaj from Guadeloupe, and Stéphanie Bérard. The project […]

Book Talk: The Art of Assembly— Political Theatre Today

Live Stream

  Join us for a Zoom Talk with author and curator Florian Malzacher to discuss the upcoming Segal Center publication The Art of Assembly— Political Theatre Today. The Art of Assembly surveys theatre today to demonstrate its political potential in both form and content. Drawing on numerous examples from around the world in performance, visual arts, […]

Edouard Glissant’s Tale of Black Histories (Histoire de nègre), Guadeloupe with director Gilbert Laumord (Guadeloupe), producer Elvia Gutierrez (Mexico, China), and festival director Eddy Compper (Angola/ Guadeloupe).

Live Stream

Join us for a talk with Caribbean theatre director Gilbert Laumord(Guadeloupe) discussion his latest work Tale of Black Histories (Histoire de nègre) by the late, legendary Caribbean writer, poet and philosopher Edouard Glissant. Born in Martinique  writer Edouard Glissant and his colleagues at the Institut Martiniquais d’études (IME) wrote and performed this intellectually rich, formally innovative, yet long-neglected […]

Segal Talk with playwright/director Sasha Denisova (Ukraine), artistic director Igor Golyak (US/Ukraine), producer Sara Stackhouse (US), and scenic designer Irina Kruzhilina (US)

Live Stream

12:30pm E.S.T. Join us for a talk with award-winning Ukrainian playwright and director Sasha Denisova (Ukraine), and artistic director Igor Golyak (US/Ukraine) of Arlekin Players Theatre, to discuss their production of Denisova’s The Gaaga (The Hague).  Denisova has been living in Poland where she has collected stories from refugees who have fled their homes due to the war, and traveled […]

Reza Abdoh’s Father was a Peculiar Man: Documentary Screening With Tony Torn and original members of cast (NY)

Proshansky Auditorium

Thursday, May 11th, 6pm Live at The Proshansky Auditorium at The Graduate Center CUNY Reza Abdoh (1963-95) was a queer Iranian-American avant-garde theater maker who died of AIDS at the age of 32 at the height of a celebrated international career. FATHER WAS A PECULIAR MAN (1990, En Garde Arts), his adaptation of Dostoyevsky’s “The […]

Memorial: Marion Peter Holt

Martin E. Segal Theatre

6:30 p.m. The Martin E. Segal Theatre Join us for an evening remembering the late professor of theatre, author and translator, Marion Peter Holt, Professor Emeritus (Theatre, Graduate Center, and Spanish, College of Staten Island). Holt helped to spread knowledge of Catalan and Spanish drama throughout the United States and the world. This theatrical memorial […]

Anti-Racist Resource Gathering

Martin E. Segal Theatre

6:30 p.m. The Segal Theatre Join us for an Anti-Racist Resource Gathering facilitated by students from the Ph.D. Program in Theatre and Performance. At this gathering, the Theatre and Performance program's Anti-Racism Committee hopes to build connections and collectively strategize with colleagues across The Graduate Center, CUNY who have been engaged in diversity, equity, inclusion […]


Theatre as Politics by Other Means: Floating Islands -The Archipelago of the Theatre & Transit Next Forum/Magdalena Project A conversation with Eugenio Barba and Julia Varley / Odin Teatret Tuesday May 30th, 12:30pm   Join us for a talk with Barba and Varley about their current projects. The 2022 Living Archive Floating Islands project, conceived by Eugenio […]

Segal Center Publication: Four Plays by Dorota Masłowska_with Dorota Masłowska

Bohemian National Hall 321 E 73rd St, New York, NY 10021

June 2nd, 12:30 p.m. Join us at 12:30 pm for a  Zoom interview with the author of Segal Center's latest publication "Four Plays by Dorota Maslowska",  followed by performances of the Trap Door Theater's "Bowie in Warsaw" at The Bohemian National Hall at 7:30 p.m. on both Friday, Saturday as part of The Rehearsal for […]

Andy Field’s Encounterism

Live Stream

Join us for a book talk with Andy Field’s Encounterism, a playful, analytical, and poetic exploration of the delight and transformative power of real-life encounters. Andy Field brings together history, science, psychology, queer theory, and pop culture with his love of urban life and his own experiences—both as a city-dweller and as a performance artist—to forge […]

The Astronaut — Play by Lucia Mann

Bohemian National Hall 321 E 73rd St, New York, NY 10021

12:30 pm HowlRound LIVE SEGAL TALK 6:30 pm Live Performance Please join us for a 12:20 pm talk on HowlRound with playwright/director Lucia Mann and festival director Pavla Niklova. And visit later in the day The Bohemian National Hall for a performance of Lucia Mann’s new play “The Astronaut.” Co-directed by Lucia Mann and Arnon […]

Segal Talk: Indigenous Performance & Hana Keaka (Hawaiian Theatre)


Monday, July 10 12:30pm ET Zoom Talk on HowlRound.com Join us for a conversation with Baker and Wessendorf about the history, curriculum, theatre productions, research, and current projects of the Hana Keaka (Hawaiian Theatre) program at the Department of Theatre and Dance at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. The MFA in Hawaiian Theatre was established […]

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